The Terre Haute Freethinkers AA meeting is an open discussion Alcoholics Anonymous meeting originating in Terre Haute, Indiana. We welcome all who may suffer from alcoholism, regardless of their worldview. As a recovery group, we endorse no particular program or method of recovery; we simply invite all to share their personal experience about whatever has helped them in solving our common problem. The meeting is an equal and open forum for all, including spiritual and religious believers, agnostics, atheists and others. Therefore we have made our format as ritual-free as possible, so as not to favor or exclude anyone because of their culture, religion, recovery style or world-view. We use principles from the AA Preamble as our guide.

Terre Haute Freethinkers AA Meeting 7pm every Monday

Because of the Covid-19 virus CDC Guidelines for social distancing, our meeting is now a Zoom meeting online:

Topic: Terre Haute Freethinkers AA Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Monday 7 pm (US Eastern time)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 622 080 606
Passcode: 635565
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Meeting ID: 622 080 606
Passcode: 635565
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